Community Extended Java Program for
Software Testers
1st Feb - 25th Feb 2021 | 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM (IST) | Online

Program Registrations have now closed.
Please stay tuned for the next program dates.

Extended Java Program for Manual Testers (Community Program by ATA)

ATA has been running Java Boot Camps and #TesterBhiCoder series for last 3-4 years. We felt that a longer / extended version of a community program is really needed for a lot of manual testers to jump start their automation journey. The focus this time is on “Practice makes you perfect” – we feel even if not perfect, regular practice will lead you to get your fear out. Fear of coding is just a mindset and we want to make every manual tester first believe in themselves and then go ahead and get this fear out.

Every Monday to Thursday (1 hour each) for a total of 4 weeks.
Date: 1 Feb to 25th Feb 2021
Time: 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM (IST)
Duration: 1 hour each (Monday to Thursday)
Venue: Online

The main idea is giving a problem statement every day and helping folks solve the same.

ATA mentors like Aditya Garg or Anand Vyas or Pallavi Sharma (one of them) would be there to help in this regular one hour practice sessions.

This is a community program and there are no charges.

Mentor(s) for the program:

Aditya Garg

Anand Vyas

Pallavai Sharma

Coverage :

  • Introduction to Programming
  • What is Java
  • Features of Java Programming Language
  • Data types in Java
  • Operators in Java
  • Conditional and Looping Statement in Java
  • Arrays, Hashes
  • Files and Regular Expression
  • Object Oriented Programming Concepts- Classes, Packages, Interfaces, Inheritance etc
  • Exception Handling
    ++ more.
    We will be sharing the problem and solution code.

Program Registrations have now closed. Please stay tuned for the next program dates.

To know more about #please visit the following web site:
ATA’s website:

For all the events please visit our home page: